Lab Instruments

Mass Spectrometry

What we use to give you the answers you need

We use the world's most cutting edge technology to answer your environmental, agricultural, and food product challenges. 


Sustainable development and population growth has necessitated that the world change in ways it never has before. The major challenges that we face are felt even here in Manitoba, Canada. Everything from regulating pesticide usage, to processing our wastes, protecting our animals and surface waters, and developing nutritious food. We strive to provide the data you need to make more informed decisions with your product or service.

What we do

We are first and foremost an academic program in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, and we pride ourselves on developing Canada's most coveted commodity- outstanding graduates who will continue to showcase our nation's innovation. Within the scope of achieving this, we partner with fellow academic researchers, municipal, provincial, and federal governments, and industry collaborators.

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